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美國雕刻家約翰梅森(John Mason,1927-)曾經以布朗庫西(Constantin Brancusi, 1876-1957)的名作<睡著的謬思Sleeping Muse,1910>為對象,創作了同名作品,傳達個人對雕刻史的回應,演繹了後現代思潮下的美學關懷。







石雕作品<春>三件一組,或立或躺,陳列在戶外造景,有如群舞。這件作品挪借了文藝復興畫家波提切利(Sandro Botticelli,1445-1510)的名作 <春Allegory of Spring,1482>的三美神形象,言說年輕女性的美德價值 : 美麗、貞淑和歡悅。這件作品也與宋代錢選的畫作<牡丹蝴蝶圖軸>中的三朵白卉佈局相似,顯見關於美麗女性的讚頌,隔代千年、始終如一。



Spring Bud --- The art of stone carving by Hoi-Sa Leong


Yan-Chou Jiang


American sculptor John Mason (1927-) once took the subject of renowned Sleeping Muse (1910) by Constantin Brancusi (1876-1957) to create a piece of work by the same name. It conveyed a personal reflection of sculpture history while deduced an aesthetic passion under post contemporary stream of thought.


Inherited with a similar research pathway, Hoi-Sa Leong also expressed her stone carving with a creative thinking inspired from reading the history and gradually reveal the sense of art. The work of “Black and white” explored the impact of various materials to the visual outlooks, trying to break through linguistic restriction of abstract carving.


Such history of post contemporary model established a creative aesthetics of Hoi-Sa Leong. It made the work further enhanced a tangible ideology, while formalized language became more emblematic, which can better depict the perception of live by a young female.


The work “As water”, arranged a white stone carving in the center of water landscape to represent once again a perceptual image of Greek mythology. Utilize the birth of Venus form the shell in the ocean and mirror image of water fairy (Narcissus) from the water, to project the beauty of inner affection and indulge in self-admiration.


The stone carving of “Spring” is a portfolio of three pieces of works. They either stand alone or lie down at outdoor like a group of dancers. It borrows the famous images of three beautiful Goddess by Sandro Botticelli (145-1510) who is a painter from Renaissance. It narrate the value of virtue on young females—beauty, chastity and joy. It is also very similar to the composition of three hundred white flowers on“ Peony and butterfly scroll ”by Qian Xiam from Song dynasty. It demonstrated that the eulogistic chant regarding the beauty of female is still homogeneous even after a thousand years.


The portfolio of Hoi-Sa Leong really touched the key of oriental aesthetics profile. The stone carving of “Sprout” utilized various stages of subtending leaves to present the gesture of standing against the wind. It conveys the call of a young female with buds getting ready to burst. Referring to the paint of “Sketch of flower, bird and bug” by Hong-So Chen from Ming dynasty of which the pink heart shaped petals are blossoming and falling. The dynamic depiction truly unfold a tender feeling.


The stone carving of “Stand” further combines material research and profile construction. The lotus petal protrude in the middle of water reveals the volition of female via independent, deep color and rigid profile which projects the personal character and mental status of the artist who created this work. In comparison to the matured stability of “Ink lotus” by Bai-Shi Chi, the carving by young artist has a firm and straightforward line which stated an alternative oriental delight.

  萌 Sprout

  如水  As Water

  黑與白  Black & White

 亭 Stand

  春 Spring

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